RCB Management was established in 1986 and has been actively involved as a Business Advisor, investor and owner/operator in multiple industries.

Our team takes a very hands-on approach to assess the current state of your business, identify strengths, vulnerabilities, opportunities and in some cases unrealized assets. We assist in growth, capital, exits, mergers and acquisitions. 

Initial consultations are free, and we provide you with a straightforward answer if we believe we are the right fit for your needs or not.


  • Cost Containment, Health Insurance, Workers’ Compensation
  • Margin & Profitability Analysis
  • Sales & Marketing
  • Position analysis
  • Strength of Digital & Social Media Presence
  • Blueprint for Growth and Revenue Diversification
  • Exit Strategy, M&A
  • Capital & Debt Raising


RCB is committed to the success of each client we work with. Our desire is to share the knowledge and information gained over decades of successes and failures as an entrepreneur enterprise spanning multiple industries resulting in several successful exits.


Health Insurance and Workers’ Compensation represent two substantial cost burdens for small and mid-sized businesses. RCB works directly with insurance wholesalers bypassing the broker network to build custom solutions. RCB founded and exited MedCall Advisors, a revolutionary cost containment solution for workers’ comp. We still access this solution for our clients driving down risk and cost.


Many small companies are not aware of PEO’s and how they can help manage cost and assist in compliance issue. A PEO can not only save money but save time allowing you to concentrate on growing your business.  RCB has established relationships with multiple PEO’s in order to find the best option.

What is a PEO? A is a Professional Employer Organization, providing full-service outsourcing of your human resources, known as co-employment. In this arrangement, the PEO performs employee administration tasks, such as payroll and benefits administration.

What is the value of a PEO? PEO’s manage multiple small businesses creating a larger pool of employees and benefits options. The collective creates much stronger buying power that a small business may have shopping alone.  While the buying power is collective, each company remains independent. Therefore, PEOs can negotiate lower group insurance costs and unemployment insurance rates.

 Added Value: Human Resources is a big expense for small and especially growing businesses.  Compliance regulations, payroll and benefits administration require a significant capital investment with an unqualified ROI.  Moreover, an inexperienced HR department will inevitably cost you money by overpaying for insurance and benefits.  Nearly 80% of companies operating in multiple states create errors in payroll taxes.

 Not all PEO’s are created equal.  RCB will help you determine if a PEO is right for your business but more importantly which PEO is right for your business.


RCB has been an innovative leader in business for many years.  Let our expertise assist you in realizing the full potential of your business.




Randy Baker


Nancy Baker

VP of Finance

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All Rights Reserved.